Thursday, February 1, 2007


Gosh I'm so excited to start blogging. I've been reading Kim's blogs on and off and they just seem so therapuetic that I thought I should give it a try.

It's late (8:00pm!) now though and I have to get the girls in bed.....after I finish listening to Your Grace Still Amazes Me which Kim posted for me again! ;o)

1 comment:

Kim said...

Hey...welcome to the blog world. I do think it is very therapuetic. I also think it is safe...I have never had any odd comments from people I don't know. I try to keep the real personal information to myself like where I live or my last name. I have a few friends who have blogs and they are more detailed in their profiles and they have never had any problems either but I would be cautious. As far as adding pictures...I have had to have a lot of patience. You can download music from itunes and play it through
I am excited to have another blog to watch as I look every night for something new to read.